Throat chakra

Picture from Fantasy and Goddess Art by Digital Painter Sharon George
telepathy and inspiration.

Location: Bottom of the neck
and throat.
Light blue, turquoise.
Note :

This is the center for all kinds of communication.
It reflects the ability to recognize one's own truth
and needs and communicate these to others.
When this center is open you will have a desire to talk about what you´re experiencing.
Balanced energy:
Contented, centered, can live in the present, sense of timing, good speaker, artistic, can meditate and experience Divine Energy.
Sexual energy, can seek bliss through meditation.

Radiating positive energy from your fifth chakra indicates that you've cultivated higher wisdom concerning the important life lessons associated with this energy centre. You're apt to feel a more burning need than others do to speak the truth, treat people with respect, and act with integrity. Possessing strong fifth chakra energy also suggests that you're not one to fight your life's natural path. Instead, you seem to align your will with divine will.

Excessive energy:

Arrogant, self-righteous, talk too much, dogmatic, addictive,
sexual energy-macho, prefers partners who can be dominated.

Deficient energy:
Scared, timid, hold back, quiet, inconsistent, unreliable, weak, devious, manipulative. Can't express your thoughts, sexual energy-can't relax, feel conflict
with your religious upbringing, may be afraid of sex.


Thyroid, parathyroid, throat, mouth, teeth.

Turquoise, chrysocolla, blue topaz, aquamarine.


Communication and/or speech problems. Knowledge used unwisely, ignorance,lack of discernment, thyroid and immune system problems.

How to balance the Throat Chakra:
Sing, chant, hum. Listen to music that you really like. Take a walk and look at the beautiful blue sky and breathe consciously.

When two people mix the energies from their throath chakras without the desire for dominating each other, then the most beautiful blue color appears.

Also humorous figures, like laughing fairies, can be seen, for when there are no dark manifestations of power in the contact with another persons throath chakra, then there is humour.

A good joke, when the conversation becomes a bit unpleasant is a good idea. This is what is meant when we say that humour is disarming.