Her favorite movie
is The Phillidelphia Story.
Katherine Hepburn is her idol.
When D'Arcy was 18 she got in a bad car wreck and had surgery,
her leg still gives her pain today and she sometimes has to wear an ace
bandage around it, knee to ankel.
of D'Arcy's favorite shows is Star Trek.
D'Arcy's mother was a lounge singer, her father is a contracter.
learned classical violin and oboe when she was a wee little kid and she
started playing bass when she was 14.
After high school in South Haven, D'Arcy moved to Germany ,
After that she moved just outside of Paris to be in a band with a French
student from her school.
Then she moved to Chicago. D'Arcy met Billy Corgan outside the Avalon
in Chicago.
He asked her to join, she accepted the offer and joined Billy and James
Iha and a drum machine.
In the beginning James and D'Arcy became a couple, then broke up during
the tour for Gish.
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