Peter Steele Playgirl pictures August 1995

About the Playgirl interview.
Ahhh... I did it for the wrong reasons, at that time. I was talked into it by the band's management at the time,
and also by the band members.
We were on somewhat of a roll there and we knew this would get a lot of publicity.
That's obviously why you're asking me this question, in fact, and it did lead to further interviews or longer interviews.

When I was first asked to do it, it was just a facial shot. Somehow it got expanded to 'waist up,' and then it was three pages and then nine pages and it was full frontal.

After having examined some of the issues they'd sent me -- because I had never read one -- I said to myself, "How come these guys are flaccid? Who wants to look at this?" So I said to them, "I'd like to be hard, do you have any problem with that?"

There was one problem and that was that fact that they have a very large readership in Canada. There's something in Canadian law or whatever that an erect penis has to be held to the side -- I guess so I don't poke anybody's eye out. I don't know. So I was like, "Alright, I can hold it.
And then number two was they said, "Oh, do you really think you can be hard?" And I said, look, "You keep your end up -- you bring the check -- and I'll keep my end up." That was kind of a challenge, but fortunately I was accompanied by my left hand.
A little manual stimulation helps to complete the job, or at least to keep the job in motion.
"Peter Steele "


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