Apachii Heroes Store Mod for the Elderscroll 4 Oblivion

Wigs - Long hair
Meshes: Sshodan
Textures: Apachii, Growlf, Slofs

Wigs - Long hair Long bangs
Meshes: Sshodan
Textures: Apachii, Growlf, Slofs

Wigs - Ponytail
Meshes: Sshodan, Slofs
Textures: Slofs,Growlf, Apachii

Wigs Growlfs animated Ponytail
Meshes: Ren, 2ch Hair, Growlf, SleepyD
Textures: Ren, Apachii
Wigs Growlfs
Soya style

Meshes: Soya,Growlf
Textures: Soya, Apachii

Wigs - Medium long
Meshes: Sshodan
Textures: Apachii, Growlf, Slofs

Wigs - Swept hair
Meshes: Sshodan
Textures: Slofs,Growlf, Apachii

Wigs - Cloud
Textures: Growlf, Apachii,

Wigs - Ren
Meshes: Ren,
2ch Hair
Textures: Ren, Apachii

Wigs - Ren with ears and earrings
Hair Meshes: Ren Textures: Ren, Apachii
Ears Meshes:
Spirited Treasure_Savage Artistry_Kikaimegami Textures: Kikaimegami

Wigs - Shaman
Meshes: Ren, Coms,
Textures: Ren, Growlf, Apachii

Wigs - Mohawk
Meshes: Cryo
Textures: Apachii

Beards - Short
Meshes: Joel Madmole Huenink Textures: Apachii

Beards - Long
Meshes: Joel Madmole Huenink Textures: Apachii

Beards - Goatee
Meshes: Joel Madmole Huenink Textures: Joel Madmole Huenink

Dark Elf
Ears - Human
Meshes: KafeiDotour Textures: KafeiDotour

Apachii Heroes Store

*Male Armor/Clothing



*HGEC Female Armors & clothings


Download My Other Nexus Mods

Apachii Goddess Store
*For your Exnem and Hgec Goddess*

Adds 1.000 items, weapons,
clothings and armors
Homepage Goddess Store