Award of excellence

Please visit
Naomi Quanyins wonderful Spirit Garden and Third Eye Images
You can spend hours here...
Lena Allot of magic, she is a Leo born on the 19 of aug, from
New York. Please
visit her magnificent site
Nick's Nook on the Net
Nick is an aquarius from Memphis, TN ,
his site is about:
Religion, Angels, Religious Tolerance, him, his school, his
friends, Dharma & Greg, Jenna Elfman, Romeo & Juliet, etc!
Hi likes to listen to Smashing Pumpkins, Depeche Mode.,Matchbox
20 Baby!! Aaliyah, Barenaked Ladies, Monica.
PLease visit his site
site Award
Gary Barnes from
California is a Gemini and likes to listen to Metallica.
Please visit his site Self-Worth,Com
This Site Is A Great >Place To Visit If You Are Feeling Down
Or If You Need A Little >Extra Motivation.
known as Excalibur,
is a cancer and she likes listening to Era, Riverdance and
Mikael Rickfors .Please visit her Unicorn site.

Geri is a Leo, and true to heart of what the Leo represents,
He love all kinds of music but he is very fond of the BeeGees,
he lives in Illinois and have worked in law enforcement most
of his life , please visit his beautiful spiritual site.
Inspired By Angels-Spiritual
Reader and Advisor CELT.Please visit this spiritual site.
Wisdom Award
Fluid Druid's Headspace
Fluid Druid is a Capricorn, rising Aquarius ,moon Aries, Favorite
band The Eagles
is a true Capricorn , both her Sun, Moon and the rising sign
are in Capricorn.She likes to listening to Peter LeMarc This
site is Swedish.
Guided by the Light to help others
Tehannah from Utah, USA is a Pisces ,and likes to listen to
Kitaro, Yanni, stephen stills.
This site is to help awaken others to the path of spirit --
it is composed completely of channelings with spirit aiding
in the design.
we also offer counseling, healings, and a mailing list - RainbowVision
at no charge for services
Please visit this enlightening site.
Woman Award
Gitte Ragsdale is
an libra from Bromma SwedenShe likes to listen to Vangelis,
Mozart, George Michaels, Any music that makes her happy
Please visit her site :For friends:bits and pieces from her
Anna Larsson
is a Leo from Gothenburg Sweden likes to listen to Depeche
Mode,Alanis Morisette.
Please visit Anna's World :About the things that matter in
Anna's World
Kim Blanton from Raleigh. NC - US is an Aaquarius .She likes
to listen to :Ronnie McDowell, Kentucky Headhunters ... just
keep it country ... :)
Her site is about: Writings / poems that reflect her feelings
about love, life.

Graisi Emburr O'Hara , visit her bLoOd RoSeS

Ingela is an
Taurus with the Ascendant sign in Leo, She likes to listening
to Oliver Shantis music. Lives in Sweden.
Pualani is an
Capricorn on cusp of Aquarius,
and she loves Hawaiian music that speaks to the soul/inner
spirit ...and American Indian music...and blues....and jazz...and
Please visit her wonderful Hawaiian site.
True Unicorn:Her
favorite song/band is" To the Moon and Back" by
Savage Garden.
Her sign is Taurus. And she´s from the Tennessee Valley,
Please visit her Unicorn site.
Tamara Becker
(aka FireFlii)
Her favorite band are: The Eagles her Astro sign: Gemini on
the cusp of Cancer (Born June 20)
she is from: Rochester, IN (Midwest) Please visit her site
and look at her fantastic Dolphin pictures and lots more!
Yvonne Nyman likes to listen to Medwyn Goodall. She is a Cancer with
Aries rising. Lives in Mora, Dalarna Sweden
Please visit her spiritual site (In Swedish)

Ruth Lamarche is a wonderful woman from Canada , born in the
sign of Pisces , she likes to listen to" In the mood"
with Glenn Miller.
Please visit her nice site.


is a
Leo from N.Y. U.S.A .She likes to listen to the Cranberries
Please visit the :Temple of Bastet, come see the wonder of
this beautiful Netjer. Share the warmth and joy that Bastet
är född iTvillingarna/Kinesiskt tecken: Draken
Regnbågen:Livsfilosofi, Healing, Meditation, Andlig-
och Personlig utveckling, Helhetstänkande, Qigong, Dikter,
Musik- och Boktips m m
Gillar att lyssna på Harmonisk musik - allt från
pop, soul, disco, rock till klassisk musik.
Reiki master Zalire
from Bristol, England is a Capricorn; Rising=Aries; Moon=cancer;
Chinese=Water Tiger
He likes to listen to Led Zeppelin,
Deep Purple,Thin Lizzy
Please visit Zalire's Information &
link pages about Magick & Mystery
a Capricorn, mother of the little GreenDragon and wife of
FireDragon. She lives in South Africa, in Johannesburg with
her family and kitty, Raven.
She likes to listen to Nephilim, Enya, Dead can Dance and
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Einsturzende Neubauten,Beethoven...Please
visit IceDragons Magical site
Friends of New Age Buddhism.
Hans Hinrich Taeger from Co. Donegal, Ireland is a Libra and
likes to listening to Michel Jarre...
Please visit this very interesting site with much information
, you can spend hours here.
Diane Saludares is a Pisces,
she teach both hula and Middle Eastern Belly Dancing
.and LOVE the old rock & roll of the 50's and 60's. Please
visit her beautiful site
of the "I love your site Award"
Silvermoon is an Aries Visit her wonderful site.

Sam SilverHawk is a Cancer with Virgo moon , and the Rolling
Stones are among his favorite music.
He like jazz things, live, and He plays the saxophone.
Please visit his fantastic site with his original unique Artwork
and Silver Jewelry .
Sams wifes homepage is also worth visiting :SilverRainbows-Rain's
2000 *
Winners 2001
Winners 2002 *
Winners 2005
The seven Chakras
New Age links
Reiki master Anki Petersson
for my Award
Ankis Awards
Awards 2
Awards 3
Build your own Pyramid