Ankis Award of excellence
= Osnabrueck/Germany
= joschidog@geocities.com
= Aquariusces
= The Little Dog JOSCHI Introduces Himself
= I prefer *Classical Music*, Mozart, Schubert .description
= The submitted site is a bilingual German/ENGLISH
animal site (each one
a full version of approximately 200 pages).A little
dog tells his moving life story and presents more
than 250
pictures for lovers of all dogs from Chihuahuas
and Yorkies to.Great Danes and Irish Wolfhounds.
Artistic layout with original graphics
writing own HTML code) and 120 exclusive dog-related
paintings. An own awards program, a contest ("Favourite
Dog") and MUCH MORE. -
*Family First Featured Site*
= http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/4000
Richard Axelsson
kil, i sverige
på sidan: TSST - The Swedish Stunts Team
spelar jag själv, och lyssnar på punk
= Shawn Haley
= Bowden, AB, Canada
= shaley@eaglecreek.org
= leo
= Eagle Creek Publishers
= Big band music and bluegrass
= An independent publisher of nonfiction titles
in parenting, culture, lifestyles and learning.
= http://www.eaglecreek.org
= brigitte arlette rahman
= France
= brigitte@emirates.net.ae
= aries
= the french natural
= Annie Lennox or The Pretender
= Our site is a site without walls where the browser
can come and go as he/she pleases.. something for
everyone and noone leaves us empty-hearted..
to the more experience eye, we deliberately mix
trade, poetry, fairy tales, poetry etc.. to overcome
the fragmented being that we are force to be in
our society and we are searching a way, any way
towards wholeness.. :-)
= http://www.frenchnatural.com
= Kenneth Dahlke
= Bradenton Fl.
= dahlcom_99@yahoo.com
= scorpio
= K&N Enterprises
= Rod Zombie
= Web page designs, ICQ Command Center, ICQ skins,
Diasbled and diabetes links.
= http://members.xoom.com/KNENT
= Ruti
= Israel
= ruti_lempert@hotmail.com
= leo
= Ruti
= Smashing Pumpkins, Radiohead, Roling stones, Counting
Crows, Doors, Neil Young, Garbage, Suzanne Vega,
= Art Galleries of my works, Lyrics to may artist-
the Smashing Pumpkins, David Bowie, Bjork,
and many more. Links ( by subject)and more.
= http://www.geocities.com/rutiml/
= Nicole S. Porter
= Outer Space
= sahoya@hotmail.com
= Chrysallis
= Celtic music
= Chrysallis features my original writings, my personal
art collection, and more!
= http://www.angelfire.com/nc/poetrymagic/porter.html
name = Dr. Paul F. Daniele --
The College of Metaphysical Studies
where = Clearwater, Florida, USA
replyemail = meta@gte.net
astro = Leo
title = The College of Metaphysical Studies
music = Dark Side Of The Moon -- Pink Floyd
description = The College of Metaphysical Studies
(CMS) is a full-time metaphysical teaching organization,
established in 1986, offering education for on-campus
and distant-learning. CMS is authorized by the State
Board of Independent Colleges and Universities to
operate as a private, non-secular college and to
issue Associate, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate
Degrees in metaphysics, religion, esoteric wisdom,
spiritual awareness and all allied metaphysical
fields. CMS offers certification programs by the
New Age Ministries, International (NAMI). CMS also
offers personal growth non-degree programs for truth
motivated adults
.url = http://www.cms.edu
- name
= Anne Julie Botten
- where
= Norway
- replyemail
= annejuli@online.no
- astro
= cancer/ Kreps p norsk
- title
= Welcome to Kennel High Chin
- music
= Secret Garden
- description
= My site is about my Dog's, the Japanese Chin's.
They are my baby's. And I like to chare them with
the world.
- Title:
The Arden Pages
- http://www.angelfire.com/ar/lyrics2/mypages.html
- Description:
The eclectic creations of a bored creative genius.
- Name:
Arden Davidson
- E-mail:
Hoon4vr@aol.com <A
- Favorite
band: Blind Melon!!!
- name
= Mike Rozar
- where
= Macon GA USA
- replyemail
= rozar69@bellsouth.net
- astro
= Leo
- title
= Mike's Lair
- description
= A warm and friendly site with tributes to Native
Americans, Vietnam Veterans and more.
I hope that it is an inspiration to all and I hope
that you enjoy your visit!
- name
= David McKee
- where
- replyemail
= dmckee@uci.edu
- astro
= aries
- title
= Zuben and Emeline's Hobbit Holt
- music
= Smashing Pumpkins, Depeche Mode......
- description
= Fantasy site with original graphics, art, literature,
sca info, postcards, and much more
- award
of excellence
- http://members.home.net/zuben/shire.htm
- name
= Marc W. McCord
- where
= Dallas, Texas
- replyemail
= canoeman@canoeman.com
- astro
= Aquarius
- title
= Valhalla ... Gateway to the Web Sites of Marc
W. McCord
- music
= Ry Cooder, Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, Frank Zappa
and the Mothers
- description
= Whitewater canoeing and wilderness camping, music,
poetry, genealogy, pc consulting and web design,
flying and golf,.links to friends and world-renowned
organizations of which I am a member. Links related
to canoeing, music and pc consulting.
- http://canoeman.com
name = Mandra Zandalee Az·ria
where = Stockholm
replyemail = ohoala@hotmail.com
astro = Leo
title = Samtida shamanism med Mandra Zandalee Az·ria
music = Doors och Runrig
description = :-)Min sida handlar om shamanism och
Eldens Lra + lite skojsigheter. http://members.xoom.com/zandalee/
- name
= Storm Elara
- where
= NC
- replyemail
= brideofkane@yahoo.com
- astro
= Pisces
- title
= Brides of Kane
- music
= Garbage & Smashing Pumpkins
- description
= A tribute to my favorite wrestler, Kane..but I
also have fan fiction, original artwork, role-playing
and lots more.

name = Annette | where = Göteborg |
replyemail = annette48@telia.com
astro = oxe
title = Annettes hemsida
music = Klassisk, Andrea Boccelli
description = En mysig sida med mycket intressant innehåll
- name
= Jen
- where
= somewhere
- replyemail
= JensPalace@aol.com
- astro
= cancer
- title
= Jen's Palace
- music
= I like almost everything
- description
= Jen's Palace contains info on Stregheria, (Italian
Witchcraft) Moon info, Spells, Hypnosis, and so
much more!
- http://www.geocities.com/athens/agora/4914
name = Dominique ClÈment
- where
= France
- replyemail
= dominique@on-ze-net.com
- astro
= pisces
- title
= Image Composer tips and pictures
- music
= Yes Magma Frank Zappa Chicj Corea
- description
= Image Composer tips and pictures
name = Jay Walters
- where
= Hampton Va
- replyemail
= BiLlY-CoRgAn23@webtv.net
- astro
= Taruas
- title
= Smashing Pumpkins Luna Site
- music
= Smashing Pumpkins!!
- description
= im a fun loving guy..about to turn 25...
- i
have been a BIG Pumpkins fan for 9 years now!im
6'0", brown short hair,170 lbs.
Ray Everly is a Gemini
from Robinson, IL. He likes to listen to Pink Floyd
and Genesis.
Ray's Homepage:Info on our historic county,Public Service,
Amateur Radio, "Heath" candy, Funnies, Newbie and other
pages of interest to a broad spectrum of visitors.
site Award
= ~*Lovehaze*~
= somewhere
= lovehaze@hotmail.com
= libra
= ~*Lovehaze's Realm of Angels*~
= I don't know what this has to do with anything
but....lol .savage garden, offspring, tears for
fears, our lady peace, garbage, bush, sugar ray,
goo goo dolls, sarah mclachlan!
= A site completely devoted to angels
= http://www.angelfire.com/bc/dazandjonesybabyoooh
- name
= Sayahda
- where
= Alaska
- replyemail
= sayahda@ptialaska.net
- astro
= scorpio
- title
= Centerpoint
- music
= Blues, rock and roll
- description
= spiritual/metaphysical insights, free on line
teachings from the council, life readings, totem
helpers, stories that warm the heart original
content, great graphics.
- http://www.sayahda.com
name = Alexandra Ragsdale
- where
= stockholm
- replyemail
= slexandra.ragsdale@mailexcite.com
- astro
= capricorn
- title
= Alexandra¥s homepage
- music
= I like all kinds of music
- description
= Wicca, birds, movies and guineapigs

Angela and Malcolm are Reiki masters who have been
practising and teaching Reiki in Glastonbury Uk,Europe
and USA since 1990.
Reiki Healing Glastonbury Uk Home Page,
- name
= Lisa C (LadyDove)
- where
= Texas
- replyemail
= ladydove@neosoft.com
- astro
= scorpio
- title
= LadyDove's Index Of Websites
- description
= Original animations..a fantastic meditation
area..and a support our troops page, a name that
midi section, lots to see and enjoy.
music = Aaron Nevile
Wisdom Award
- name
= Claudia McNeely
- where
= Gilmer, Texas
- replyemail
= whitedove@tyler.net
- astro
= pisces
- title
= Claudia Psychic / Healer
- music
= Smashing Pumpkins, Depeche Mode......
- description
= Claudia offers an opportunity for healing and
growth on all levels. I offer many different healing
techniques including Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Emotional
Healing, Inner Child .Healing, Soul Return, and
more. I assist you with Clairvoyant Readings or
Angel Readings
- to
help you progress on your path. I offer two catalogues
for all your metaphysical and magickal needs.
- url
= http://www.askclaudia.com
- name
= Anand
- where
= US
- replyemail
= anand@netspaceinc.com
- astro
= Leo
- title
= Anand's Homepage
- music
= Abba
- description
= Personal Homepage with Personality types,Jokes,
Quotations, Puzzles, IQ Test, OPtical Illusions,Cosmic
and Ancient Mysteries and Greeting Cards
- url
= http://visit.to/anand
- name
= Lady Cerridwen
- where
= Maine, USA
- replyemail
= brenda@cybertours.com
- astro
= aries
- title
= The Grove of the Purple Witch
- music
= Enja, Enigma, Etheridge, Jewel, etc.
- description
= Life and lessons of a Dianic priestess, survivor
- http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Pantheon/1653
- http:\\www.wtsam.com
- William
- wtsam@sedona.net
- name
= Karen Lyster
- where
= New Zealand
- replyemail
= zblue@ihug.co.nz
- astro
= Leo and proud of it ;)
- title
= UFO's The Beginning of a New World
- music
= I like Rock
- description
= UFO Research, latest UFO Sigitings, Crop Circles,
Earth Changes, Remote Viewing, Prophecies, Human
Origins, Ancient Egypt, The Bloodline of the Holy
Grail, The Secrets Of The Knights Templar and much

- name
= John Karlsson
- where
= Göteborg ,Sweden
- replyemail
= john87@telia.com
- astro
= Lejon
- title
= Johns hemsida
- description
= Kolla den så ser du... :-)
Estrellia Sheran is a pisces. AshtarCommand.Net
is a site dedicated to light, service, and remembering
who we are. Spirituality, UFO's, memory activation,
and the Ashtar Command. Hosted by Kaiel Ashtar and Estrellia
Robert Johansson född i Tvillingens tecken fån
Sverige.Robbans Hemsida :En personlig sida med humor
och olika värderingar.
Redo an Aries from sweden .Web site about :Internet,
photo Gallery .(in swedish)
Likes to listen to Celine Dion, Richard Clyderman .
Daniel* a pisces from California , he likes to listen
to The Music of The Spheres :)
Unlimited Envisions | Neo-Civilization:2012 : Its about
awakening the Ancient-Future Earth Star Wisdom...just
has my inspired writings...some mind maps...
- name
= Rose De Dan
- where
= Seattle, WA
- replyemail
= wildkingdomreiki@earthlink.net
- astro
= capricorn
- title
= Wild Kingdom Reiki
- music
= Native American music
- description
= Natural healing for all species (humans not excluded).
Healing/distance healing restoring physical, mental,
emotional, spiritual balance, utilizing Reiki, shamanism,
T'ai Chi, Qi Gong, intuitive communication. Case studies,
classes. Seattle.
- url
= http://home.earthlink.net/~wildkingdomreiki/
- name
= Lisa Melendez
- where
= New York
- replyemail
= fear2tread79@hotmail.com
- astro
= Aries
- title
= Real Eyes
- music
= Smashing Pumpkins, Babes In Toyland, Sonic youth,
Portishead, Rasputina, Pj harvey, Tori amos
- description
= A page dedicated to babes in toyland.Site includes
- rare
pictures, tablature, videos, and great links to other
hard to find babes in toyland sites
- url
= http://www.angelfire.com/on/realeyes/index.htm
- name
= Tamar Bingham
- where
= WV
- replyemail
= Tamar20star@hotmail.com
- astro
= Taurus
- title
= Passions of The Heart
- music
= easy listening and soft rock, mostly Elton John,
Micheal Bolton
- description
= Poetry, but more of writings on passions from
the heart
- url
= http://www.angelfire.com/wv/michaeltamar
- name
= Debi
- where
= PA
- replyemail
= rmplemintz@aol.com
- astro
= Leo
- title
= Debi's Page
- music
= I like all kinds of music, like many groups Savge
Garden, 98 degrees, Mariah Carey, all kinds!
- description
= My site is my healing. I am especially proud of
my adopted angels, and my courage to do this!

name = Liquid Kiss
- where
= Aussie Land
- replyemail
= missyc@hotkey.net.au
- astro
= Gemini
- title
= Liquid Kiss
- music
= anything and everything really
- description
= It's got everything from backgrounds to greeting
- http://www.members.linkopp.com/dihnia/
- Prudence
- This
pages are dedicated to my husband, who is a non-custodial
father that doesn't get to see his kids, and to
my stepchildren whom we never see. This is a matter
that is very close to my heart and I really wish
i could get some traffic to these pages because
they are really informative and touching for me.
- http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Trail/5235/mybabies.html
- name
= Moi Tayler
- where
= Hawaii
- replyemail
= for_moi@hotmail.com
- astro
= pisces
- title
= Seasons of the Heart
- music
= Jim Brickman, "By Heart" Album......
- description
= Powerful, stirring words that touch heart chords...
name = Nakia
- where
= New Jersey
- replyemail
= nakia-7@snip.net
- astro
= Gemini
- title
= Nakia's Inner Space
- music
= Mozart,Celine Dion
- description
= Journey the ath to our inner selves through
Arazyre from pittsburgis an Aries
likes to listen to erasure!!! and depeche mode,
omd, new order.
imajika. it's pretty
much my own little world, a teensy bit under
construction but there's still some stuff there
Anita smith from louisianais a pisces.Girls
are forever
Julie an Aquarius from Florida Who loves
country music...and my favorite singers are
Vince Gill and Ronnie McDowell...but I love
them all...I was an avid Elvis fan! JUST A LITTLE
SOUTH OF HEAVEN .The site was created by Annah
as a gift of love for her family and friends
one week before she "got her wings" and went
to be with God...it is a celebration of life...please

"Antony Green " A Girl's story does
not have to be beautiful... I do not like a
specific band, because not every good singer
get to sing all good songs. It is an art gallery
done by me. From paintings to comic series and
sketches, from short novels to talks.
Fanciful Realm :For faeries wolves beautiful
poetry cutie images to adopt and award to win.
Foils is a Saggitarius and Likes to listen to
Smashing Pumpkins,Elastica, Green Day, Garbage,
Marjo Nykanen
from Finland is an aquarius. .She love peaceful,
beautiful music, classic too. Her site has beautiful
Angels , roses and more..

a Scorpio from Loganville,
GA .Likes to listen to Enigma, Enya, Tangerine
Dream, Tori Amos, Depeche Mode, and Joe Satriani
Welcome To My World.:Offering solutions for
those suffering from the disease of addiction/alcoholism
Johansson is a gemini from Kiruna ,Sweden .
Her site is about cats (in swedish).

Mariah Lawson
from Knoxville, Tennessee, USA is a taurus and
she likes to listen to Classical music.
You are cordially invited to stop in for a visit
at our House Midgard.
Wander along our beach, climb our 99 generation
family tree,listen to Civil War music, copy
our recipes, ask questions aboutpolyamory, paganism
and female Freemasons...
June Kaminski a Virgo
from British Columbia.She
likes to listen to Enigma, Delerium and Intermix
. Please visit her wonderful site!
DynoWomyn Web Haven:
A place for 21st century womyn to explore, develop,
dialogue, and reflect.
Man Award
= Rod
= Italy
= rod1at758@exploit.it
= pisces
= 1 AT 758 - Rod - Homepage
= Cranberries
= - Member of ALFA TANGO Radio Group since
.Mid House also (the best .mid with lyrics
by my collection). - Win my Award. Much more.
..url = http://members.it.tripod.de/rod758/1at758.htm
= Ren
= ar
= pop_rocks_@webtv.net
= virgo
= RockNSatin's Place
= oh man I love it all, love alternative,
dance, rock.. I do love dream theater and
doors, metallica... alot of variety
= Webtv and computer tools, cards, webtv IRC's,
West Memphis Three case, music wavs and rams...
FUN! Updated weekly

Friends of New Age Buddhism.
Hans Hinrich
Taeger from Co. Donegal, Ireland is a Libra and
likes to listening to Michel Jarre.
Buddhism, Astrology, Nature of Mind, New Age,
Wisdom, Art, Beauty, Please visit this site
- name
= Jeff Hesch
- where
= Arizona
- replyemail
= azjeff@abacusnet.net
- astro
= gemini
- title
= My Reiki Page
- music
= The Beatles
- description
= This site was created to make available
a wide range ofinformation on Usui Reiki and
many related topics. It is of use to everyone
from the
- person
just learning about Reiki to the Reiki Master/Teacher.
- http://www.abacusnet.net/azjeff/reiki.htm
name = Marc van Lier
where = Netherlands
replyemail = maryola@hotmail.com
astro = Scorpio
title = Marc and Yolanta's place
music = U2description = If you thought that relationships
through the Internet was impossible, then check
out our homepage. We met each other on the internet
and later in real. We would like to welcome you
to our homepage where you can find some nice pictures,
info about us and more. http://come.to/maryola

- name
= Rex and Bonnie
- where
= Sweden
- replyemail
= bonnie.rex@telia.com
- astro
= pisces
- title
= Bonnie and Rex´s Love Site
- music
= Depeche Mode......
- description
= Its a romantic site, tells about a story
on 2 people that felt in love over the net,
and here is the story about them.
- name
= walt Frampus, Jr
- where
- replyemail
= racerpup1@juno.com
- astro
= Virgo
- title
= Usui Traditional Reiki
- music
= The Cure
- description
= This site is about my spiritual journey
and how I discovered Reiki.
- http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/7593/Reiki.html
Sten Lassen, home of smile.Theme: Bring a smile
to the net.
Axel Jacob from Munich, Germany. Axel's Homeworld
:Bilingual site, daily updates, family-friendly,news,links,infos,
Windows95, Windows NT, Tools, Utilities, latest
drivers, Gamespage, a great Antiviruspage, page
with HTML links and stuff, Indianpages,Aquariumpages.
Jšrgen Sundberg a Libra from Stockholm Sweden.
ICQ Stockholm phonebook .He likes to listen
to Smashing Pumpkins, offspring.
= Krista
= Ottawa Canada
= psylocke98@hotmail.com
= leo
= Krista's Tomb
= Send
= a site about myself with an egyptian mystic
= http://www.geocities.com/black_unicorn78
- My
site is called: California Pamela
- My
URL: http://members.tripod.com/~CalifPamela/index.htm
- name
= Sunshine
- where
= Vancouver, BC, Canada
- replyemail
= debbyf@intergate.bc.ca
- astro
= Taurus
- title
= Sunshine's Sundeck
- music
= R. Kelly (r & b)but enjoy ALL types
of music ~'cept country!
- description
= 90+ pages of great things to see and hear
... truly the ED SULLIVAN SHOW of personal
home pages!!!Featuring PASSIONATE POEMS,
by for a minute ... stay for a couple of
- url
= http://sunshine.freehosting.net/pages.htm
- name
= Debbie Sharp
- where
= Arkansas USA
- replyemail
= rixshaw@seark.net
- astro
= pisces
- title
= Mesweet's Haven
- music
= Old time rock and roll.
- description
= A country girls perspective of her 9 days
in Sweden with photographs and a more about
Sweden section.
- url
= http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/8867/
- Alternative
Science Website
- http://www.alternativescience.com/
- name
= Kelly
- where
= Buffalo, NY, USA
- replyemail
= khwatts@acsu.buffalo.edu
- astro
= cancer, on leo cusp
- title
= The Road of Excess
- music
= The Cure, Tori Amos, Faith & the Muse,
Sisters of Mercy... I'm a DJ, so choosing
just one is torture!
- description
= It's an eclectic collection that's developed
over several years. In addition to personal
things like my artwork and journal, there
is info on my radio show, the local "goth
scene," car decorating ideas, comic
book stuff, & more.
- name
= Lucia
- where
= Massachusetts
- replyemail
= Lucia3@webtv.net
- astro
= virgo
- title
= The Gypsee's Ink
- music
= FleetwoodMac StevieNicks
- description
- Illuminating
the Paths of the Mystical & Metaphysical~
with LuciaInTheSkyWithDiamonds/
- Astrologer/Crone/Gypsee~~~
- name
= Tara Lanham
- where
= Illinois
- replyemail
= TLanham97@hotmail.com
- astro
= Sag
- title
= Welcome to Tara's Page
- music
= Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, and Eminemn
- description
= I have a lot of cool graphics and pictures
of things about me
- http://www.angelfire.com/il/taral/index.htm
- name
= Dawn Cardente
- where
= RI
- replyemail
= DEE_ASTRO@prodigy.net
- astro
= Capricorn
- title
= Dee_Astro's Astrology & New Age
- music
= soft rock
- description
= Astrology,numerology,psychic readings,tarot,free
horoscopes,cool links,etc..
- http://pages.prodigy.net/dee_astro/index.htm

name = Ancel Manalili
where = Philippines
replyemail = ancelmo@msn.com
astro = libra
description = Travel Gallery that spans the
globe, Confucius Wisdoms, Fascinating Facts
and more.

name = Janet Selogy
- where
= ohio
- replyemail
= jselogy@neo.rr.com
- astro
= aries
- title
= Jan's Courtyard
- music
= oldies but goodies
- description
= fun family site with lots of original
animation and graphics,music, many pages
halloween, aliens, fifties,swamp critters,
I would be happy if you visited my site.