The year of the Dog


The Dog personality
This may be one of the most likable sign of all in the Chinese cycle. A person born in the year of the Dog is honest, intelligent and straightforward. He has a deep sense of loyalty and a passion for justice and fair play.

If you have a forthright Dog for a friend, you must know that when you are in trouble, all you have to do is dial. For no matter how much he or she complains, the Dog person cannot ignore a real call for help.

Dogs can sometimes be a bit overwhelming, due in part to their attentive natures. They can march in and take control of a situation, even when it doesn’t involve them directly. This can lead people to think Dogs are nosy or gossipy, but in reality, he just means well.
Money and status don’t matter to the Dog. He is more concerned with the welfare of his family and friends and will do whatever it takes to help them out of a tight squeeze or a rough spot. They are honest and trustworthy people. Dogs make loyal friends and companions.

These people are people watchers. They are content watching different people walk by, listening to their conversations, watching their reactions. Dogs would enjoy a vacation with the entire family more than a romantic getaway. In this situation, Dogs are sure to make everyone happy by incorporating everybody’s tastes and ideas into each thing they do together.

Dogs are so easy to get along with and generally have a ton of friends. They are supportive and calming and make exceptional friends. They don’t hold grudges or bear any bad feelings towards anyone who has treated them respectfully and justly. Dogs are excellent listeners, offering an ear to anyone in need. They are held in high regard by their friends and are loyal, honest friends.

Dogs always put their family first. They are wonderfully supportive parents who take great pride in the happiness and well-being of their children. They are selfless parents, content to wear the same old clothes so their children may have the stylish new ones. These parents make terrific, stoic role models for their children and keep close bonds with their offspring well after they’ve grown up.

Dogs can be overly shy when making friends or courting someone. If they are interested, they want to make certain you are as well before expressing any interest. They are emotionally sensitive people, who don't take wounds to the heart very easily. As a lover, Dogs are compassionate, supportive partners, eager to hear about your day at work or the project you just finished. They share the highs and lows of being in love, defending their partners to anyone who attacks them.

Happy Dogs are more likely to want families than Dogs in mediocre relationships. Dogs are simple and lead very easygoing lives. They can be mean with word sometimes and must learn to control their angry tongues.

Compatible with: They are most compatible with Tiger and Horse.He will have no conflict with the Rat, Snake, Monkey, Boar or another Dog. The Rooster he will have difficulty understanding. The one he will never really get himself to believe in is the overconfident Dragon.

Some famous Dogs: David Bowie, President George W. Bush, Winston Churchill, Confucius, Judy Garland,Michael Jackson, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Sophia Loren, Elvis Presley, Sylvester Stallone


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